BAM! You Got Toledoed!

 In The Buzz

Toledo (noun): A city in Northwest Ohio

“I love Toledo.”

Toledo (adjective): A description of poor self image

“How Toledo of you to think your work has no value.”

Toledo (verb ): Definitions vary

“You just got Toledoed.”

When someone says, “You just got Toledoed,” I wonder what comes to mind for you. Is it what you say to a passenger in the car when you watch three cars run a red light right in front of you? Is it not recognizing your own worth? Low self-esteem? Is it feeling the gravitational pull of the community after moving away? Is it the warmth of welcoming and acceptance as a transplant adopting a new true home?

In my estimation, and for the purposes of an upcoming essay being featured by Social B. Creative, the definition of being or getting “Toledo’d” is in itself a dichotomy of heart and proportion. The size of a person’s heart and devotion to the town that grew them up or took them in will determine the depth and potential of the Toledoing they may someday receive.

If this person exposes themselves in any way. Shows their talent. Offers their resources or skills. Shares their ideas. Opens themselves up to the vulnerable position of being taken advantage of or taken for granted, they are susceptible to a bad Toledoing.

Conversely, if a person builds a life through meaningful connections and surrounds themselves with rich experiences and histories, they are bound to feel the familiar swell of support, embrace, and nourishment. The best kind of Toledoing.

To be Toledoed should be a frightful prospect and also an aspirational goal. One should never wish being Toledoed on an enemy, and should also share it as a blessing. 

Toledo is all heart, and my heart is the size of Toledo. I have been witness to the best of us getting Toledoed for 44 years. I’ll tell you all about it in: BAM! You Got Toledoed! 

Rachel Richardson is the founder of Girl Parts Publishing and Productions, home of GP Workshops and Creative Purpose Consultations. She is a long-time SBC collaborator and mentor. Her piece, BAM! You Got Toledoed will be published in an upcoming print publication, produced by SBC.


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